Can One Prepare Enough for Marriage?

Marriage is said to be the coming together of two individuals of opposite sex, from totally different background, with the intention of sharing each other's company for the rest of their lives.

The challenges that comes with this journey is sometimes not so clear from the onset and it is for this reason you find two persons who were virtually inseparably in love but within some months as married couples, they divorce and the love vanishes.

The level of uncertainties that comes with married life is enormous. So this question was raised in a group I belong to on FB (The Marital Bliss community) which explores the possibilities of intentional happy marriage.

The responses to this question left me with more questions and opened my eyes how diverse our human understanding is, in the issues of marriage.

In contributing to the discussions, i posited that yes one can prepare enough for marriage but several others disagreed. Here is my position;

On this question, bearing in mind that the word "enough" is relative, there might not be an absolute yes or no answer to it.

But i will like to lean towards the affirmative.

Preparing enough for marriage means before going into marriage, you have made effort to understand the intricacies involved in the journey.

There are various areas of maturity and maturity levels expected of someone who is ready for marriage.
Those who made effort to attain the basic maturity level in those areas go through marriage with better understanding of what lies ahead.

To be ready for marriage, you must be
Socially matured
Emotionally matured
Financially matured
Spiritually matured
All these maturity areas are in relation to the journey of married life.

Experience has shown me that as a couple, we have been able to weather some trying moments due to some deliberate knowledge we were exposed to prior to our wedding.
So I can say , if you intentionally seek knowledge on this mission called marriage, then you can be prepared enough to go through the EXPECTED UNCERTAINTIES that comes it.

But one person's position was so interesting, saying no. Here it is,

No one can not prepare enough for marriage as their has been no perfectly completed book written on the subject matter.Secondly,somethings one experience in marriage can never be envisage before marriage.

No book has all you need for a happy marriage neither does any marriage counsellor know it all.(Little wonder why some of them still fail at this Institute "marriage " and even need higher counselling at some stage)

Marriage is a scared Institute and by this means embody a little bit of mystery.Only the creator knows all about marriage.

I believe that one can only be prepared to the extent that you have a mind to face all with maturity and calmness.

This is because no matter how intentional you are;your scope of knowledge is limited to who and what your teachers are.
By teachers I mean people you engage with,your environment,books,media etc.

Knowledge is evolutionary and people are dynamic.What your teachers know today is not the only thing the know tomorrow.

Thus,how is it possible to fully prepare you for marriage?

Preparation for marriage is awesome because those prepared are more able to emerge victorious than their un-prepared counterpart.

One can only keep learning intentionally no matter how long you are in the Institute as what you know today that works might become outdated tomorrow.

So what is your opinion, can one prepare enough for marriage? Share your view


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