Effective Parenting Tips

Parenting according to Wikipedia, is the process of promoting and supporting the physical, emotional, social, financial, and intellectual development of a child from infancy to adulthood. 

Parenting refers to the aspects of raising a child aside from the biological relationship.

This definition, for me, captured in totality what a good parent is supposed to do in the life of his/her child.

Unfortunately, some parents either by way of choice or ignorance, only focus on one aspect of the parenting duty, leaving the child to the mercy of society to influence the rest. 
This incomplete parenting has led many growing children suffer deprivation and such coursed them to live an unfulfilled and unhappy life.
Therefore, the aim of this post is to help parents learn some simple and effective approach to training a child and by extension, nurture him/her into a happy, sound, confident and unique adult.  
Effective Parenting Tips will be delivered in five series . 

First series

1. Availability- Be available!
This is the first & foremost responsibility of any parent to their child, being available and spending quality time with the child. It breeds in the child a sense of worthiness & security. 

Sense of worth creates in them a feeling of being wanted and is known to be vital in all round development of a child. It also creates family bonding.
Parents get closer to your kids!

2. Building a child's Positive Self Image through Love
A person's self image plays a vital role in shaping his or her personality. Every person loves to feel good or positive about himself or herself. But one can not feel good without a positive self image.
By making your child have a sense of worth especially when he or she excels in a task; be it in school or at home, helps in giving him/her a sense of worth.

And also you can burst a child's self image by not talking down the child when he/she didn't do so well. Words like 'I know you can do better next time, just try and be more serious or work harder" will help rather than Words like "You this good for nothing child, i know you have always been useless..", will invariably make the child believe he/she is worthless.

As Avin Price will say,

"Parents need to fill a child's buck of self-esteem so high that the rest of the world can not poke enough holes to drain it dry"
"Happiness never comes home to those who fail to appreciate their children", says Shammi Sukh
Build that tomorrows positive man/woman today!

3. Communication- The Life line of every Relationship
No communication, No relationship. 
Communication is more about understanding the other person and making oneself understood.
When a child is sharing his/her feelings, he/she wants you to listen and be with him/her emotionally.It is important that as a parent you try to be as smart as possible when it comes to communicating with your kids.
Smart parents are those who try to look at a child's problems and his/her world through his/her eyes. And to be able to achieve this, that parent must learn to Listen and communicate in a way the child will understand.
Good parental communication builds confidence in a child and as he/she grows, she will be better equipped to handle relationship challenges that results from the inability to communicate effectively

4. Develop In your Child A sense of Personal Responsibility
A keen sense of personal responsibility is highly needed for success in life. If you want to see your child successful and happy in life, then you must make sure you help him/her develop a sense of personal responsibility.
A sense of personal responsibility can be defined as a conscious awareness of your obligations as a person.
In this sense, a good parent needs to help a growing child realize that he/she needs to learn how to do certain things for himself.
Helping your child in his/her duties is not bad as it is good for healthy relationship, but pampering him/her is a No No!
Because you will end up depriving such a child from picking up an essential life ingredient that will help him succeed.
If a child is consciously taught to feel accountable for his actions and by extension, his/her life, he/she will develop a sense of self control and responsibility. And this, will lead to a more balanced person who is well equipped to weather the storms of life on his way to success
There is a saying that, if you want children to keep their feet on the ground, then put some responsibility on their shoulder.

5. Educate Your Child To Stand Up For His/Her Right.
This is all about teaching your child to be assertive.
Assertiveness is the ability to express oneself, standing up for one's right without invariably violeting the rights of others.
It also entails teaching a child to always stand up for a good course.
Assertiveness improves a child's decision making ability and positive image


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