Precious Tips On Sustaining Your Marriage.

No man or woman, no husband or wife sees the best of their partner before marriage. As you progress in years as a couple, there always seem to be changes in the character of your partner. But in actual sense those things you see as changes, are characters evoked by the situations of marriage. Marriage obeys the Law of astronomy; the higher you go the cooler it becomes. No matter how long you have stayed with your partner, your individuality remains. As a husband, your wife is still a woman and as a wife, your husband is still a man. Here are four precious tips to keep your marriage going... 1. Always Remember Peace is a Choice in Marriage Peace like they say is not the absence of conflict but the ability to amicably handle tension and crisis. For every crisis in a home, both the husband and wife are responsible. It is usually as a result of the action of one partner or the reaction of the other. Or rather the inaction of both parties that leads to conflict. ...