10 Recipes For Creating a Happy Home
The coming together
of two individuals of opposite sex and sometimes opposite personality in
marriage is the starting point of a home. As soon as a man and a
woman agree between themselves to come together and lawfully share each other for the rest of
their lives, a new home is made. And most times new couples get marriage wishes like;
“May your married
life be filled with happiness, joy and never-ending love? Have a happy
married life” - Anonymous
Virtually every newly married couple get such good will message as above; a
happy and joyful married life. But do most couples find happiness and joy
afterwards? Your guess is as good as mine.
Some couples end up enduring married
life instead of enjoying the companionship and love of their
Not having the opportunity to appreciate the challenges that come with
married life or having a negative experience growing up in a family are some of
the sources of disaffection between couples and this do lead to an unhappy
home. But whichever is the case, there are fundamental things couples must pay
attention to in other to create a happy and loving family.
Here are 10 basic
recipes that can help a couple create a happy family and a joyful home.
1. Be a companion to
your spouse
2. Agree to Have a
Happy Home
3. Discuss Parenting
Plan in advance with your Spouse
4. Both Spouses must
get involved in Parenting of Kids
5. Make time to
understand, appreciate and manage children's idiosyncrasy
6. Your Marriage
Relationship first before the Children
7. Have Family
Counsel session weekly
8. Play Together
9. Be a success
in the way u leave as a parent
10. Pray Together
1. Be
a True Companion to your spouse.
One of the basic
essences of marriage is companionship. A companion is defined as each of a pair of things intended to complement or
match each other.
is not good for man to be alone; I will make him a helper suitable for him. Genesis 2: 18
be a companion in marriage means you guys must be friends, a companion is one
who journeys with you. And Marriage is meant to be a journey of a life
couples must make conscious effort to accompany each other in all things. A
happy home starts with a happy couple that finds companionship and friendship
in each other. A couple that enjoys each other!
2. Agree To Have a Happy
Couples need to
sincerely sit and agree to build a home sustained by joy and happiness. It is
just like setting any other goal in life. This helps the marriage to have a
focus rather than wishing your home is as happy as your neighbours or parents.
Happy Families are not accidents.
It involves saying to
your selves that no matter the challenges you face, including times you
quarrel, that each of you will remember your vision for your home and come
together again and reconcile. This does guide your actions even outside your
home such that even before you do anything, you will first weigh the impact of
your action on the joy of your home. Over time it will be stamped into your
subconscious such that every thing you do as a family will gear towards a
happy home.
3. Discuss
Parenting Plan In Advance.
to Wikipedia, Parenting is defined as
the process of promoting and supporting the physical, emotional, social,
financial, and intellectual development of a child from infancy to adulthood.
the contribution of a father and a mother to the total development of a child
is very important. It then means is that parenting is a project that must be
planned for. Like in every other project in life, if couples fail to plan their
parenting approach and agree on how to handle certain aspects of their
children’s life, there will be a disconnect and that might lead to a confused
instance, won’t it be confusing if couples fail to agree on how many kids they
hope to have. You might need to even agree on the kind of dressing you will
allow in your home. This will engender understanding and remove unnecessary
rancor that creates problem in the family.
most parenting disagreements also hinge on how and when to discipline the
children, if you agree ahead of time on discipline, you will kind of have a
united front and the children will not be able to play one parent against the
4. Both
Spouses Must Get Involved In Parenting of Their Children.
am very sure most of us have come across two parents accusing each other for
the misbehaviour of their children. It is either the mother was too busy or too
protective or the father was insensitive and never around to have an influence
over the child. And this eventually creates an unhappy family.
both parents get involved in the act of bringing up the young one, there is
this subconscious safety that envelops the child. He or she tends to grow up
with much confidence and trust. This happens because the real presence of a
father figure instills discipline and confidence in a growing child and the
tender presence of a caring mother instills love. All these add up to create a
home filled with joy and respect.
5. Make
out Time to Understand, Appreciate And Manage Children’s Idiosyncrasy
Effective parenting
is the bed rock of a happy family. Understanding the thinking of children and
how they approach their activities goes a long way in establishing a good
connection between you and your kids. One thing parents should understand is
that children do not reason like adults;
- They will do weird things. It is
good to let them be weird sometimes, as long as it does not hurt them or
destroy their outlook on life.
- They will do foolish things, it is
your duty as a father or mother to teach them wisdom
- Children model the behavior that
they see rather than what you tell them to do. So do not expect more from
your children than you are ready to demonstrate and live yourself
- Children always do things for
a reason. I remember watching my second daughter cry sometimes. I noticed
that as soon as she gets what she want, the tears will dry up in seconds
and she is full of smile. I termed her style of cry a “purposeful cry”
Sometimes they want to misbehave on purpose; it is your duty to draw the
line while trying not to limit their “free expression” tendencies.
- They are fun to be with.
Both parents should find time to enjoy together the funny and innocent
presence of their kids. Some of their idiosyncrasies do add laughter and
fun even when their parents seem to be having friction.
When parents do well to understand the kids, the children do
have a sense of ownership and always get excited at the sight of their parents;
the home is filled with warmth and happiness
6. Your
Marriage Relationship First Before The Children
In reality, if parents focus on making the children happy, they
will neglect making each other happy and that can cause disaffection in the
relationship. But if they strive to make each other happy by having a loving
and strong relationship, the children will see that bond and relationship in
their parents. This helps the child to learn how to love and makes him or her
more secure and happy.
7. Have
Family Counsel Session Weekly
Family counsel
session avails parents the opportunity to discuss collective and individual
challenges. And when an individual’s problem is treated as a family problem,
there is always a strong bond between the parents and the children. And it is
easier for parents to understand their children better if they make out time to
listen to them and share their views.
8. Play
Something great happens to
families when they play together: Everyone lightens up and there is communication. Therefore, every family need times together in other to build lifelong memories and to play together! Playing together is an essential ingredient for a
happy and healthy family!
9. Be
A Success in the way you live as a Parent
"What we demand
from our children, we must demand of ourselves. There must be a standard by
which we live - and, as parents, we must set it and live it." -- Jim Rohn
Modeling appropriate
behavior and attitude in relationships is the best way to teach children how
best to relate in the home or within the community. The best success tool a
parent can give their children is maintaining a strong and happy relationship
in the marriage and by showing strong desire live an exemplary life.
10.Pray Together.
Praying together
unites families under a banner of common goals. When you pray together as a family, each member of the family
learns what it means to be intimate with God. Also during family prayer,
members pray for and hear others concerns. This engenders deep connection among
members of the family.
need to see genuine faith acted out in the lives of their parents and this can
best be done by praying together. Praying together is one of the
most critical things you can do to pass your convictions on to the next
Praying together
helps families align their will with our Heavenly Father’s, resulting in
blessings of strength, comfort, and inspiration that enable the family to
experience love and happiness.
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