
INTEGRITY- Your Best Friend

“When I lay down the reins of this administration, I want to have one friend left, and that friend is inside myself”~ Abraham Lincoln   D espite all the negative publicity and trials in his life, Abraham Lincoln remained resolute in being a man who for the greater part of his existence stock to his convictions and made his inner self confidence his best friend. You may begin to ask what integrity is after all and why is it important that one should waste his precious energy penning down his thoughts on it. Have you ever wondered why, someone on the same mission with you, all of a sudden decide to play a different   tune from the earlier agreed music without a strong and convincing reason, may be just because he has a personal interest to protect.   Am sure the next thing that will come to your mind is; he is not a man of his words.  What does it mean to be a man of your words? It means that you are a man who for the greater part of your days can ...

The Joy Of Selfless Giving

Have you ever given a gift to someone expecting a "thank you" in return? How do u feel when the person fails to appreciate the gift?   On the other hand , how do you feel when someone says 'thank you' with a big smile for a  gesture you considered insignificant?  Reflecting on these will lead us to one discovery; there is great reaction in your inner self when you give, either in anticipation for a reward or as a selfless service.  Some of  the situations that prompt one to give might include the following; 1. We gave Because someone asked for a particular gift, it can be a present, financial help etc. 2. We noticed that someone is in need and decide to share. 3. We are performing an obligatory assignment, like a parent paying for a child's school fees.   In  all these, we always tend to achieve an aim; making available that which is needed by another person.   And by definition a gift is  a present or an...